Monday, May 7, 2012

Religious evolution

I am not a Christian. I simply cannot accept either the whole story of Eden or the concept of original sin. Certainly humans evolved consciousness, but I don't consider that a sin.
And, while I always considered Jesus to be an exceptional human being, I didn't consider him any more a son of God than the rest of us. So I didn't accept the stories of his birth or death.
But recently I have gained some very interesting information on this topic. I finally saw Bill Maher's movie Religulous, wherein he mentions that other, older cultures had their own Messiah stories. That left me questioning if there was even a real person of Jesus. But I was still stuck on all the wonderful doctrine of Jesus - love thy neighbor, the meek inheriting the earth, etc. Someone had to have said those things, right?
Then I happened upon a documentary on Jesus that pointed out that much of his doctrine was the same as the Essenes who lived in his area of Judea around the same time.
Of course, it makes much more sense that a whole group of people came up with all that wisdom, so did Matthew, Mark, Luke and John just make up Jesus? To fulfill the prophecy their people had been waiting for so long?
And where does that leave us?

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