Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Adding up the score

Contrary to much of the mainstream media world, I think this has been a great month for Barack Obama.
First it is said he was in over his head threatening Syria.
Here's how I see it. He stood up when most of the world wouldn't in enforcing the world's commitment to stopping the use of chemical weapons. (By the way, France was standing with us, all you freedom fryers). Correct there.
Second, he went to Congress as they were asking and our system demands. Right again.
Third, he weighed the balance of abiding by the Congressional restriction, if it came, and the need to take a stand for the world and retained the right to go ahead without their approval. Tough, but I think correct.
Fourth, this stand brought about a diplomatic opening and, unlike George Bush, he took it. Not just right, but outstanding.
So far, it's Obama everything, opposition nothing.
Then we come to healthcare.
It's said the American people oppose this. But really, what they oppose is the mythical Obamacare that the Republicans have made up and scared them with.
When the people are asked about what's really in the law, they favor it strongly.
Another win.
And Sen. McConnell criticizes the law for leading some companies to give up their healthcare programs, but as I recall, one of the best outcomes foreseen for this law was that it would put American companies on a more equal footing with companies around the world who are not burdened with healthcare costs because the governments there were involved in this field. (Maybe they can use some of the money they are saving to beef up their pension benefits - just saying). Victory again.

Yes, I think this is starting out as a potentially good fall for our president.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's a blessing and a curse

 God is not our father.
This is one thing religion needs to accept to move forward.
The gift of free will came with the right and burden of taking care of ourselves.
God doesn't want billions of children (would you?), but companions.
Companions might need each other occasionally, but for the most part, they do fine on their own.
If your faith depends on someone who is there to rescue you from every problem, what is its value really?
God has already given us the capacity to take care of most of what life brings, and plenty of good advice for the rest.
Stop whining, grow up, thank God for what you have and Handle it, handle it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Not about Syria

Well, Labor Day has come and gone.
But we still need to think about Labor.
These are hard times for working people. There are some signs that people are waking up to the need to  stand together and organize, but corporations continue their attacks unabated.
Now Office Depot claims that unions come between the workers and the employer.
Man, they are not between the employer and the workers - THEY ARE THE WORKERS!
Maybe with repetition, it will sink in. Unions are nothing but workers standing together. Some companies try to set up workers groups and not call them unions. But these are either a union or a sham. If they have no power, why bother? That is just holding your hand out, hoping for some spare change. If they have power, they are a union.
There is nothing wrong with workers joining together to try to have the same level of power as the owner/executives/corporation.
Sure, there have been some unions that have gotten corrupt. Hey, we're dealing with people here. Why is it so much more objectionable or surprising for union leaders to be corrupt than for corporate leaders?
No one turns against corporations as a whole because of corruption. Why unions?
The only answer I can come up with is the corporate witch hunt against them. Somehow people keep listening to the right wing, no matter how many times they are proven wrong.
Let's let this Labor Day be the time when things start to really turn around.
If you know about a union you can join, do it.
If you don't, look for one.
If you really can't find one, join Jobs for Justice, or a Faith/Labor Coalition.
Stand up for yourself and all workers.
Let's change the world.