Thursday, February 28, 2013

This is not progress

I have long believed that each ideological side has the obligation to stand up and criticize its own members when they mess up. In that spirit, I am highly offended by Progress Kentucky's attack on Sen. McConnell's wife. THIS IS NOT PROGRESSIVE. And we simply cannot allow the opposition to characterize it as such.
I have read their statement of apology and promise of future better practices and I hope it will hold. I don't know whether this may have come from just a small number of their members and not at all reflected the majority thinking there, but it did go out and now the whole group will be suspect until they can prove this is not their philosophy.
In the meantime, all of us who DO hold progressive ideals should let it be known in no uncertain terms that we do not agree with these ideas and/or tactics.
And get back to work moving the country forward.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Turn off the lights

Q: How do you know when the tea party has really reached its limits?
A: When it is against mosquito control and septic tank inspections.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Make my day

I hope the Republicans will make good on their threat and let the sequester happen. Then we'll see just how popular their 'small government' philosophy is. I'm guessing not very when people begin losing the services government provides to all of us.
Perhaps that is the only way some people will learn the value of society's government tool to get things done.
Go ahead guys, that foot is an easy mark.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Nothing lasts forever

Especially your rights. I was struck this weekend by hearing MHP say that we are now essentially back in pre-Roe days. In some states you can get an abortion, in others it is virtually impossible, especially if you are poor. The right has won without getting Roe overturned.
This happened because most people who cared simply assumed that the fight was won and looked away. While they were looking away, the other side came in the back door and passed restriction after restriction until they had hollowed out our 'victory' and left it meaningless.
The same thing is happening with union rights and it will happen to women's other rights, gay rights, what have you until we WAKE UP and fight back.
I know it is tempting to 'win' and then rest and move on, but I'm sorry to tell you - you CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last year we had Newt Gingrich, seriously contending for his party's nomination calling for bringing back child labor. If that is not safe, which workplace rights are??????????????
Already the 40 hour work week is an unreality for many people. Many other rights, like vacation days, pensions and even sick leave were never won for everyone. With the drive for 'right to work' laws, how long will it be before they start getting rolled back.
You may not have to die in the struggle anymore, but struggle you must.
Or we will have to start from scratch again.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Needs first

So, Rick Perry wants to start thinking about returning money to Texans because the state has taken more than it needs. Wow.
The truth is, Texas is so far from meeting its needs that the situation he describes could not possibly occur in his lifetime.
Before anyone thinks about returning some of the money, first we must move Texas away from being at or near the top in the amounts of several pollutants released into our air, teen and pre-term births, and poverty and food insecurity rates, as well as being at or near the bottom in most healthcare categories, high school graduation and SAT scores, pre-natal care, home ownership, retirement plan participation, homeowners insurance affordability, credit scores and internet access. Oh, and the state needs to restore the cuts they made several years ago to higher education and employee retirement funding. Not to mention eliminating Perry's own misguided women's 'health' plan.
Many, many goals to meet before this tax cut comes along.
Put it out of your mind, Rick.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I want my P.O.

How do you know the post office reorganization is a bad thing?
 Answer: Darrell Issa is in favor of it.
I am hoping that this is one government cut that really blows up in the conservatives faces, because a large part of their base - old white people - USES this part of government. I have heard folks of that type say that government could be cut many places, but not there.
Personally, this time I agree. Not only because I support government jobs, but because I too use this service and look forward to it everyday.
Contrary to what many people think, this financial problem is NOT caused by email, online bill pay, etc. It is caused by Congress and Congress could easily fix it. Just change the extreme rules they set up for this and only this agency and most of the red ink would disappear.
We have already had our free TV service destroyed, and roads are being tolled everywhere you look. The American public needs to stand up to this under the radar assault on the services we use every day. SPEAK UP!!!!!!