Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The First of May

In case you were wondering why all the demonstrations took place today, it is because this is the significant date in true labor history, not the first Monday of Sept.
And these days we need to mark as many Labor Days as possible, up to and including EVERY day.
It is completely timely that at this time a chart has come out showing the almost locked downward trends of union membership and middle class jobs & wages.
I have heard many people say that unions are great things and were really necessary - once. But now we have won those wars and our pay and benefits are secure.
WRONG WRONG WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate to be the one to tell you, but those wars will NEVER be over. The other side will NOT give up and so we cannot either. The good news is that it doesn't take much. You don't have to keep up with all the politics, or go to meetings every week, or go out on strike and maybe lose your job.
If membership went up and SOME of the membership volunteered on campaigns and most of the membership voted MOST of the time by their union guide, things would turn around fast.
You don't have to be the one volunteering, and you can certainly vote your conscience, although I would expect you would go along most of the time with the people working for your rights.

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