Wednesday, February 26, 2014


It is truly amusing, in a black humor kind of way, to see the investment companies all over my TV talking about the need for a 'secure retirement'.

Funny, I thought that's what we had in our country until they came along and persuaded legislators and business leaders to destroy it in favor of their plans.

And for all of those who say we don't need unions anymore, that they accomplished their goals, so now we can move on, this is a good example of why that's wrong.

Yes, unions did improve the conditions for working people - and those who bad mouth them should remember that - but the battle is NEVER over.

Just like the battle for civil rights or for the environment. When one side wins, the other side doesn't just give up and go away. They are still their fighting for their goals just as strongly.

Between complacency and the belief in the ugly propaganda and yes, some misdeeds by some people in some unions, the other side has managed to start chipping away at the gains unions fought so hard for and some people died for not very long ago.

What will it take to change the attitude back? I don't know.

People are starting to wake up to how lopsided things have gotten in this country in the last few decades, but if the vote in Tennessee is any indicator, they are still not making the connection between unions and a solution.

That simply must be done, because the only way the common people are going to be able to take on the big boys is by banding together. That is uniting, that is unionizing.

Any day now, people.

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