Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rick feels the heat, sort of

So Rick Perry demands an apology from the Californian cartoonist who had the nerve to tell it like it is.
I'm sooooo sorry. One more chance for Good Hair to show us that he can be a man and admit his errors.
Guess he's still not up for it.
To be fair, West is not ALL his fault. Our previous governor, in his 'capacity' as 'president' did his best to prevent inspections of fertilizer plants, even after it was much publicized after 9/11 that they were vulnerable, not only to corporate malfeasance, like happened in West, but also terrorism. The Republican party is fine with attacking the FBI for not somehow knowing Tamerlan was guilty, even though they investigated and found nothing, but won't give a moments' thought to something as simple and undramatic as inspecting factories for safety.
And then there is the company itself. Even though it is shocking that inspections were not taking place, that did not force the company to engage in such risky behavior.
Perhaps before we contemplate barring students from entering the country merely because of where they happened to be born and raised, we could start by making sure we don't blow OURSELVES up.
As for Rick, maybe next time his horrendous performance as governor kills or injures his fellow Texans, he will find the decency to accept some reponsibility.

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