Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Big Gulp

Well, Sarah Palin has done it again. She 'protested' Bloomberg's soda ban with a Big Gulp, which was exempt under the plan. Par for the course for her, I would say.
And par for the course for her and her followers who seem to have taken the desire for freedom to a manic state. In Fla. the Tea Party is even fighting for the 'freedom' to ride manatees. Yep, no one can tell them what to do or not do anytime, ever.
They seem to thing they can just make society disappear by repealing the laws that hold it together. While that may work to make civilization disappear, the people who formerly made it up would still be there and they would continue to disagree with each other and need solutions to those disagreements.
What then?
With a completely unrestricted second amendment, I think we can all imagine.
The real choice facing the GOP these days is who do they want to represent? A decent proportion of the country who may be concerned about the cost and effectiveness of government, or who may think we need to mull things over a while longer before we change them - or a small group of people who want to live like frontiersmen with no one to please but themselves and the complete freedom that living outside the bounds of society can bring, but with all the benefits that society allows at the same time?
Personally, I think that last group doesn't  deserve a say in policy until they join the rest of us in the real world.

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