Thursday, April 19, 2012

Aspiration facts

As I said earlier, the right has attempted to make greed a virtue. They do this by calling it aspiration. As in Americans don't resent the wealthy because we are an aspirational society.
So it's GOOD to want to be obscenely wealthy! Sorry, but I think not. Still, they do have a point. Many, if not most, people in America dream of being wealthy. I admit it, I have done it myself. But I made peace a long time ago that I would never be rich unless I win a sweepstakes or lottery, and I'm OK with that. I simply am not willing to do that which must be done to get that amount of money - whether you consider that long years of hard work, or cutting corners and taking the suckers for all you can.
And I contend that the country would be better off if more people saw things my way. Here's how I do see it:
1. A better goal is just to be comfortable, not filthy rich. Just think - less stress, less long hard workdays, less dependence on the boss/company, and more enjoyment of plain everyday life.
2. If the majority of us are happy with a comfortable life and hold that up as the goal of our society, we can keep control on those few who still insist on 5 houses and 15 cars and get back some of that money for the good of the country. Really, there is only so much money in the world and less for extravagance does mean more for housing and medical care for the indigent. (I know there is more cash in the world every day, but overall the value of goods doesn't change, the value of that cash does.)
3. Once again, religion rears its head. Christianity says we should be concerned with life after death, not with this life. So once again the right moves away from true religion and twists it to suit their own base desires.
So, to sum up, if you can be contented with just a comfortable life, you can achieve it more easily, reduce the power of the corporations you work for and buy from over you, bring this world closer to heaven and, if enough of us do it, we can get control over the greedheads and get back to the good old days.
Oh yeah, the 50s, the decade the righties exalt were created by the policies of FDR and the economy today was created by the policies of Reagan and Bush.

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