Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Look deeper

While on vacation with my aunt last week, discussing racial issues, she opined, "They want to stay with their own kind too."
I believe it's true that all people want to stay with 'their own kind'. We are basically timid creatures who don't want to face disagreements.
But it will be a great leap forward in human evolution when we learn that 'our own kind' CANNOT be determined by ANY physical or outward element.
Not skin, clothing, gender, hair - NO outward element.
It would be nice, certainly, if there were some quick, easily visible sign by which we could determine who would make a good companion.
Discovering who you are compatible with - truly your own kind - takes time and a close aquaintance. And when you do find them, they may have NOTHING in common with you physically.
It's possible, just possible that the internet has accelerated this realization. People are beginning to find friends all over the world, with many differences, but similar hearts and minds.
Maybe they can carry this lesson into their neighborhoods.

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