Friday, August 24, 2012


"The dignity of work" This is something we hear the Republicans talk about a lot, but what do they mean? They certainly seem eager to get everyone off any kind of government help, but how far are they willing to go with that?
Bills have been created to increase minimum wage, expand the reach of mandatory sick leave, even give more maternity and family leave, and they seem to be consistently against them. Don't these things increase the dignity of work? How dignified can you be when you work all week and can't support your family, when you can't take a day off when you are sick or your family is sick? Are we giving dignity to hard work when we withhold these basic human comforts?
It is most definitely not enough to just say "get a  job" when we don't make ALL work dignified by showing the workers we value their labor.
So, I say, match your deeds to your words or just shut up.

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