Wednesday, April 18, 2012


In the latest word from the radical right, if you believe in social and economic justice, that makes you a communist. So they believe in injustice? I mean we kind of thought that anyway, the way they have been acting on behalf of only one part of society, the 1%. But now they are working on making that a virtue, like they have greed and selfishness.
How can this be America? A place begun on working together and sharing. How could any of our pioneers succeeded otherwise? Nowadays we do have the luxury of being more independent in our daily lives, but we still need cooperative action on the macro level. You know, transportation, education, safety, etc. And Paul Ryan notwithstanding, our religions, in fact all major religions, insist on caring for each other. Is that communistic too? (Disclosure: I wrote a high school paper on the similarities between communism and christianity.)
My only hope is that these leaders are going far beyond their supporters, hoping to put up a wall between them and the other party. That they (the leaders) are just a small group of extemists, NOT representative of any influential group of Americans.
Otherwise, if our fellow citizens really believe Americans have a right to run other people's lives, enforce that through our might, and take as much of the world's resources for ourselves as we feel like, we could make past dictatorships look puny.

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