Once again tax time approaches and weighs heavy on many minds. Of course finances are never easy and handing over some of your money can raise some bad feelings.
I have heard people say they shouldn't pay school taxes because they don't have children in school. To which I say everyone benefits from an educated society.
I have even heard someone say they shouldn't pay for roads since they don't drive. To which I say, but you do want a nice smooth road for the ambulance coming for you.
I know it is hard not seeing what we are paying for and not being sure how much we are really benefiting from our payments, and that has some justification. We must keep an eye on government and make sure it is acting as we want it to, but we must not completely lose faith in our government.
Society simply cannot exist without government period. It is the tool of society that accomplishes the work that must be done so we can go on living our lives as we wish. In olden times people took all the responsibility for maintaining their communities. Then they invented government to do it for them and were relieved.
If you want to know what government is doing, find out! It really isn't that hard. Getting more involved with your government is a good thing.
If you resent others getting the benefits of your tax dollars, go to church and listen harder.
In the meantime, after you mail in your payment, stop and think about just what you do get for that money.
Roads, schools, product safety, clean air & water, workplace protections, military, research, parks, medical care, communications, copyright protection, historical preservation (there may be more, but you get the idea) Maybe that will cheer you up, at least some.
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