Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Since the Zimmerman verdict, the thing that has been said that I most agree with is that there are two realities in play here. The one juror who has spoken has made it clear that in her reality, 'George' is a sympathetic character and Trayvon was not.
That is a reality I do not share. Everything I know about Mr. Zimmerman is that he was angry, prejudiced and ready for violence. Everything I know about Trayvon is that he liked tea, smoked pot sometimes and was walking home minding his own business.
Zimmerman assumed he didn't belong there (prejudice), blamed him in his mind for doing something wrong and went out to accost him against the explicit advice of the police. What is sympathetic about that??????????
No clear story of what happened has emerged. Witnesses differ, Zimmerman's story is inconsistent and there was no recording of the encounter. Perhaps the jury thought there was reasonable doubt.
But for me, the crucial fact was that Zimmerman left his truck and followed a young man simply walking home. Everything that happened after that is on his head because of that. Even if Trayvon confronted him, even if he got violent, none of that would have  happened if he had taken the police's advice as he should have.
And can we really think that Zimmerman didn't contribute his own share to the conflict, whatever it was? After he spoke the way he did on the tape, after he disregarded the police, after he went out with a gun? Does anyone think he spoke to Trayvon calmly and rationally, asking him if he  had a good reason to be there?
Very doubtful.
Worst case is that two hostile people met and one ended up dead. Which wouldn't have happened if he had stayed in his truck.
His unwarranted actions ended in a death. He is guilty.

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