Thursday, February 7, 2013

I want my P.O.

How do you know the post office reorganization is a bad thing?
 Answer: Darrell Issa is in favor of it.
I am hoping that this is one government cut that really blows up in the conservatives faces, because a large part of their base - old white people - USES this part of government. I have heard folks of that type say that government could be cut many places, but not there.
Personally, this time I agree. Not only because I support government jobs, but because I too use this service and look forward to it everyday.
Contrary to what many people think, this financial problem is NOT caused by email, online bill pay, etc. It is caused by Congress and Congress could easily fix it. Just change the extreme rules they set up for this and only this agency and most of the red ink would disappear.
We have already had our free TV service destroyed, and roads are being tolled everywhere you look. The American public needs to stand up to this under the radar assault on the services we use every day. SPEAK UP!!!!!!

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