For many of us, I think Rep. Akins' comments didn't make much sense when we first heard them. I mean 'legitimate rape'? You can't get pregnant from rape? These ideas seemed pretty much out there. Where could he have gotten such information and theories?
Now, however, the sad truth has started to come out. Unbeknownst to the mainstream, the fringe has been busy constructing an entirely separate reality for the sole purpose of hardening their hearts even more to the unfortunate women who find themselves in the position of needing an abortion after a traumatic event.
The fact is, they are accusing young women who come seeking an abortion of 'claiming' to have been raped to get around the restrictions they put in when they thought they were being hard enough on them in the past. Now they have decided they have to be harder.
It is beginning to look as though what they have been accusing Planned Parenthood of all along is what they are doing: Making a business of abortion. The 'leaders' of this movement must keep the 'followers' keyed up and angry so they will keep sending in money. So, they have to keep going farther and farther as they begin to win their cases, or the enthusiasm will wane.
God help us if they do succeed in making abortion totally illegal in this country.
What will they possibly do next to keep their power?
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